Jun 8, 2023
People of Basketball: Jane Kyle

On tournament days, she’s the first up in the morning and the last to go to bed; she organises the flights and accommodation, and on occasions has to hand wash the game day jerseys. She’s the biggest supporter from the side-line and a shoulder to cry on when it all gets too tough. Who is she you may ask?
Jane Kyle's love for wheelchair basketball began in 2008 after taking up the manager role of the spinning bullets, alongside her husband Tom Kyle (coach).
“They were looking for a coach and manager at the same time so we decided that we would join the venture together,” said Jane.
But with a knack for nurturing and a desire to help those around her, the role of manager quickly became so much more.
“The biggest thing I get out of it is obviously being able to help others achieve their goals and seeing them grow as individuals,” said Jane.

And since, has made it her mission to show others that, whatever your disability, there is always something for you to do and a place for you to be a part of a community.
“I feel that part of my role is not just being a manager but also bringing and connecting other families together so they can share their experiences as well,”
“It’s just one big family and I hope the small role that I play does make a difference in their lives,” said Jane.
15 years on, many memories have been made, but none fonder than her first tour overseas with the Australian Under 25 Women at the World Championships.
“To be part of that inaugural team and go to Canada with really no high hopes of getting anywhere and completely exceeding our expectations by coming home with the silver was amazing.”
“Just the thrill of seeing the girls believe in themselves and getting there by sheer determination, I’ll never forget that feeling,” said Jane.

Kyle has watched on as budding wheelchair basketballers progressed through the ranks representing their state and even country; attributing some of that success to those who volunteer.
“We do have limited resources. There aren’t as many coaches available in the space,”
“But I’ve seen this game grow purely by the passion of other people that are involved, I’ve seen a lot of very dedicated volunteers along that way spend their time investing in the players,” said Jane.
Something Jane says she hopes to do, for many more years to come.
“I’d love to be involved for as long as they’ll have me around.”
She’ll take to Thailand in September with the Australian Under 25 Women’s teams for the World Championships.
As part of International Women's Day we thank Jane for all she has done for our game in Queensland.